Saturday, April 5, 2014

Taichung 2014

Decided to spend the Tomb Sweeping Holiday (清明節) in Taichung and visit my aunt, an uncle I haven't met before, and my cousin. Pretty cool to get to know a new relative, especially one who has traveled and lived in several countries, so he could understand some of my frustrations adjusting to living here. He gave lots of advice on life, business and being a restauranteur over Hendrick's gin on the rocks. My uncle has good taste. My aunt hasn't changed a bit since I last saw her at my dad's cremation ceremony. It was nice to see that she's happy with someone like my Uncle. Also, thanks for hanging cousin Lydia!

I would say Taichung is a sleepy city. You could tell they are developing it, especially with the new metro line they are building. Everyone there is pretty friendly and helpful, and you can tell they don't get many visitors since my cousin and I would have heads turn as English came piping outta our mouths. I know they're thinking they look like us, but they're not US. Also the public trans system in Taichung is pretty generous. The most I paid was 10 NT (about 30 cents), and often my bus ride was free because you pay by the distance traveled. Taichung is also known for their food, and night market, Fengyuan. My cousin and I thought it was okay. There wasn't anything that set itself apart from other night markets we've been to.

The best part of my visit was eating at my aunt's elegant Japanese restaurant, Senda. She is a definite pioneer because anyone can slap together some teriyaki chicken, store bought udon or ginger and seaweed and call it Japanese, but she is a adamant about authenticity. My aunt pickles her own vegetables, uses sushi rice for everything, makes her own salad dressing, and does not reuse the oil for her tempura. You can taste the quality and care my aunt, uncle and her staff put into the food.

If you ever visit Taichung, and craving authentic Japanese food, please visit her restaurant and mention my name. Overall, Taichung is a nice place with good weather, and everything supppppper cheappp. Like my aunt's 3 bedroom apartment is 3000 NT less than my studio in Taipei. Uggg.